Thursday, January 5, 2012

Twenty Twelve

New year= new goals. New decade of life= even more of a reason to crave change, and renewal.

I want to be a better person this year. Not just the kind that follows all the rules, or does "what she is supposed to", but the deep change. The kind that turns your life upside for the better, and the kind that affects your life so deeply that you are never the same again.

My resolutions for 2012:


I love everything I do, and my favorite job in the world I don't get paid for. I'd love to really find my life's work outside of motherhood this year. Not a j-o-b per se, but my passion. Whatever that is, I want to become extraordinary at it. I want to be sought after for it, and I want to be valuable.

This post inspired me to the core of my being. I missed the 30 for my 30. So I'm shooting for 52. At least once a week for the whole year I will perform a random act of kindness, and will blog about it weekly to let you know how it's going.

Today...we stopped by our regular McDonald's for sweet tea. There is a sweet homeless couple with a dog that stand there every-day. The girls and I thought it would be sweet to buy them some warm chocolate chip cookies so we made sure to make the red light, and hand them to them. They were grateful, and it felt good to do something random for someone else. I think I'm going to love this resolution the most :)

I will strive to not do this:

Contentment is the key to a great life. This I am sure of. There is a song I love, and a verse in it says..." have all you want, but want what you have" this is so true. By comparison I don't mean just materialistically, but in everything. I'm a perfectionist by nature. It keeps me from trying things because I see people that are successful at something and think...I could never be like her. No more... If i want to be a photographer...i will. If I want to teach a class on how to be a Mom that savours your child's childhood...I should. If I want to dance on Broadway at 30...I can!

I will take this post to heart, and do it more often. I've been behind the camera for 8's time I get back in front of it.


I will finish making my house this:

Source: via Michelle on Pinterest

Regarding the resolution above...this trumps that.

Cause these little people are more important than clean kitchens or freshly laundered linens.


I want to spend more time with HIM.^^^

I want to be healthy, happy, present, and fulfilled.

I hope the same for all of you!

Happy new year.

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